Thursday 23 April 2020

Home Made Ice Cream

Today I will be making home made Ice Cream. 
I will be writing down what you will need and will add some photos near the end.
First you need:
500ml of cream
395g of condensed milk
1/4 of a teaspoon of vanilla essence

And then you need a Medium mixing bowl
1. Add the cream to the mixing bowl
2. Then add the condensed milk to the mixing bowl
3. Then mix the two together thoroughly but not to the point it turns to cream, just enough that their mixed together
4. Then add the vanilla essence

Mine is going to look different because I'm adding peppermint essence and green food dye and chocolate chips.

5. Mix the ingredients until its thick and peaks
6. Then put the mixture in the freezer over night
Around the same time you made it the day before, you can take it out of the freezer.  Hopefully it turns out like bought Ice Cream. Then you can enjoy!

If this recipe  worked for you please comment and tell me how it turned out.

Here are some photos of what they should look like

The mixture before putting it in the freezer.


  1. Kiaora Ruby! This sounds very yummy and super easy! I am going to add these ingredients to my next shopping list immediately! What do you think I should add to make Banana choc chip flavour?

    Do you have any other tips to help me make the perfect ice cream?

    What is your next blog post going to be about? Have you had a look at the TOtara Hub site for blogging ideas? I look forward to checking back to see what you have written!
    Miss Panther

  2. Kia Ora Miss Panther! I'm glad you like the recipe! Some tips for making Banana choc chip ice cream is that add the chocolate chips after beating the mix, also if you want to add banana make sure to mush it up until there is no lumps so it make the mix and easy to beat. And a tip for making the perfect ice cream is to beat the mix then lift up your beater and if there is a peak in the mix then it is perfect and it makes the ice cream nice and creamy and smooth. Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    From Ruby


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