Friday 20 December 2019

Activity 3 day 1

My charity I have chosen is the SPCA.
I have chosen the SPCA because I like animals and helping them, thats why I have chosen them. 

The SPCA help animals (and rescue them) that have been found or abandoned. The SPCA then take them back to the SPCA to clean them and get better  if they have hurt themselves or any damage done to them.

 They raise money so they can get more equipment and things for the animals. 

Those are the reasons why I chose SPCA.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Activity 2 day 1

Where my family came from.

My dad was born in Auckland/New Zealand.
My mum was born in Dunedin/New Zealand.

I was born in Auckland/New Zealand.

I lived in Auckland til I was 4 then moved to Maungaturoto for 6 months then we  moved to Greymouth.

Activity 1 day 1

10 food items I would take on a 3 week voyage.
1. Water, i'll take water because you can't drink sea water.
2. Apples,Banana's and Mandarins, Fruit because it has lots of vitamins and natural sugar.
3. Carrots, Corn, vegetables because they will give me energy.
4. Caned food, caned food because it is already served and  you can just put it on a plate and it's ready to go.
5. Potatoes, potatoes because it's a starch vegetable and will keep growing on it self and then we can get more food.
6. Pasta,rice, pasta and rice because they will fill you up.
7. Sausages, sausages because they will give you protein.
8. Eggs, egg because they give you protein.
9. Flour,yeast, flour and yeast because you can make bread.
10.Cheese, cheese because it has dairy and dairy is good for you. 

Friday 6 December 2019

Fractions blog post

This week for our Maths slide week 8 I get to choose what maths I get to do. I chose to re-do fractions because i'm not very good at them. So I made a drawing explaing fractions. 
Here it is.